Saturday, November 13, 2010

Sierra Nevada Celebration; Marking the Season

I picked up the first Sierra Nevada Celebration of the season this weekend. I always look forward to this perennial favorite, both for it's intense flavors, but for the way it introduces the oncoming "Winter" beer season. The wintery scene of the label reminds us of the upcoming colder weather and the joyous Christmas season. I am also reminded that soon I'll be enjoying some of my favorite seasonal beers. Personally, I don't look forward to the short days and cold nights, but the beers of Winter are among my favorites. Sierra Nevada Celebration heralds their arrival.

For some interesting background on Sierra Nevada's Winter seasonal, see "Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale – Clearing Up Myths" at


  1. I was asked last weekend if you were still around. I can't remember the gentlemen's name. He loves your blog and was concerned you just dropped off the earth I assured him you were around.
    Glad to see you posting

  2. That looks and sounds a great beer, unfortunately in my neck on the woods i only ever see their Pale ale(not that thats a bad thing!) and nothing else of theirs.
    Great blog.


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