In many places it my seem the celebration has become more of a drinking holiday than a celebration of St. Patrick and all things Irish. The idea of a Budweiser St. Patrick's Day beer stein might be a bit odd, but that's okay. Today everyone is Irish. Celebrate as you wish, be safe, and have fun.
St. Patrick is also our parish patron Saint, so we'll take a wee reprieve from our Lenten sacrifices. We'll honor St. Patrick quietly with a meal at home and raise a pint or two. (However, there will be NO green beer served here.) In whatever way you choose to mark St. Patrick's Day, and whether you claim Irish decent or not, make it a celebration worthy of the day's namesake.
Glac bog an saol agus glacfaidh an saol bog tú
Take the world nice and easy, and the world will take you the same.
Glad to see that the fact this is primarily a religious holiday hasn't been entirely forgotten - I sometimes wonder what St Patrick himself would make of it all....