Thursday, October 3, 2013

The Elusive Blue Mountain Oktoberfest

A few weeks ago when we visited Blue Mountain Brewery, I was disappointed they were out of their Oktoberfest beer. Then, last week, Park Lane Tavern was advertising a Steal the Glass event featuring the beer, so I planned to try again for a taste. Shortly before that event was to start, they replaced the featured Blue Mountain beer with Sam Adams Oktoberfest -- I suspect a scheduling or supply issue. (Fortunately I saw that announcement before I left the house.) The STG event was rescheduled to this week. Colleen and I took advantage of that on Wednesday and finally got our pints of Blue Mountain Oktoberfest, and a couple of really nice Blue Mountain Barrel House snifters too.

Blue Mountain Oktoberfest pours a brilliant amber-orange color with a persistent head. The aroma is malty with toasted grain. The flavor presents a big, rich toasted malt base with toffee and some nuttiness thrown in. That malty base is balanced with a very pleasing earthy, hop bitterness. The bitter hops linger a bit in a clean finish. Our overall impression of this beer was succinctly summed up by Colleen after her first sip, "This is good."

After I finished my snifter full, we still had some time to linger so I ordered a standard pint of the Oktoberfest. The long hunt for this elusive beer was well worth the effort. I wonder if I'll get a crack at another pint this season...

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