Thursday, November 23, 2017

Remembering Blessed Miguel Pro

[Reposted from November 23, 2013.]

November 23 is the Feast Day of Blessed Miguel Pro. Born on January 13, 1891, in Guadalupe, Mexico, Miguel Pro was ordained a Jesuit priest in Belgium in 1925. He returned to his home country in 1926, in the midst of that country's Cristeros War. After being falsely accused of an attempted bombing, Father Pro was executed by government forces without trial

Blessed Miguel Pro's final request was to be allowed to pray to his heavenly Father.

After which he refused a blindfold and faced the firing squad bravely, proclaiming ¡Viva Cristo Rey!

Father Pro's executioners initially failed at their task, and the deed was finished at point blank range.

I am saddened, but hardly surprised, at the ignorance of the American public regarding the persecution of Catholics, and of the Cristero War that took place in Mexico in 1926 through 1929. Some 250,000 people lost their lives in a persecution that was supported by the government of the United States with both funds and air support. Given the ever-growing intolerance towards Christians, especially Catholics, in the United States, we would do well to remember.

Christ the King, by the intercession of Blessed Miguel Pro, I beg you to answer my prayers. Give me the grace and the strength necessary to follow your heroic example and to live my Catholic faith in spite of all temptations and adversities. Amen.

Images from Wikipedia.


  1. It's typically forgotten exactly how left wing, indeed Communistic, Mexico's governments were from Carranza forwarded, for quite some time. The revolutionary era in Mexico, which is not a happy story in any fashion, has been reduced to some sort of cartoon, to the extent its recalled at all, here in the US. The damage it did in Mexico itself continues on to the present day.

    1. It's hardly surprising the leftist-controlled "education" system in the US glosses over this part of history. The Cristeros War continues on under a new name even today.

      "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

  2. "The Cristeros War continues on under a new name even today."

    Can you expand on that?

    This period of Mexican history has become an interest of mine, mostly because the Punitive Expedition is a pretty strong interest of mine. ( ) Given that, things that went so badly wrong in Mexico following Modero's challenge of to Diaz really interest me.

    For one thing, they're a shocking example of how things can actually go very wrong, very quickly. King Henry VIII's attacks on the Church provide another, an almost overnight disaster. And coming back from such disasters, while possible, tends to take a great deal more time.

    1. I hate that I can't edit a comment on this platform. Sorry for being obtuse, I was referring to the war on Christianity waged in this country.

    2. Indeed, that takes me back to the "almost overnight disaster" comment I made. We've gone from a per Obergefell "nobody is going to tell you what to believe" to a situation in which there's presently a case before the U.S. Supreme Court in which a state commission told a baker he had to bake a cake irrespective of his personal beliefs. He is, effectively, being told what he can and cannot publicly believe, and that result would have been regarded as absolutely absurd just a couple of years ago.


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