Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Blue Gray Breweriana Show Is This Week

Just a reminder, the Blue Gray Breweriana Show takes place this week. The show runs Wednesday, February 11 through Saturday, February 15, in Fredericksburg. This year marks the 30th Anniversary of "the biggest breweriana show in the East." In addition to loads of breweriana, there's a hospitality room that offers opportunities for tasting a wide variety of beers, including special brews sent in just for this event. I've got a busy schedule this week, but I hope to get by the show at least once.

See the Blue Gray Show web site for more details.

1 comment:

  1. Oo-er missus - this is annual is it? Unfortunately I will have to wait until 2010 before I get along to that, however in th emean time I want to find another of the Budweiser Urquell metal signs from the original brewery in Budweis (founded 1795), I have a picture of the sign somewhere.


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