Confirmed "malt-head" Brian Yaeger at Red, White and Brew, teamed up with his girl "Half Pint". They shared a bottle of the burbon barrel aged Allagash Curieux over a nice meal.
Tom and Carla at Hop Operatives chose a monk-theme. They selected two Tripels to enjoy; St. Bernardus from the abbey of the same name and Tripel Karmeliet from the Bosteel Brewery.
John Duffy, Dublin's Beer Nut extended the theme a bit and selected Houblon Chouffe Dobbelen IPA Tripel. Though not a Belgian-style Tripel, this hoppy Belgian sounds delicious.
The team at BeerTaster.ca kicked off their first Session post with a face-off between Unibroue La Fin du Monde and Koningshoeven (La Trappe), with no winner chosen.
Ray over at The Barley Blog chose a Tripel Trifecta for this Session. Koningshoeven (La Trappe) Tripel, Kasteel Tripel, and Gouden Carolus Tripel all made their way to Ray's tasting table with the Kasteel taking top honor.
J. Wilson at Brewvana expanded the theme into a "Tripel for Three" and shared two beers with three friends. The group enjoyed two domestic beers; New Belgium Trippel and Flying Dog Kerberos Tripel.
Al and Ron at Hop Talk also enjoyed Flying Dog Kerberos Tripel in celebration of Ron's birthday. They both contributed their detailed reviews. Be sure to read both the contribution from Al, and also from Ron.
Troy Burtch at Great Canadian Pubs and Beer didn't get to try his Tripel in advance of the Session, but let us know he was looking forward to Mill Street Betelgeuse.
Dan Conley and Ethan Cox of Beer-O-Vision selected Watou Tripel from Brouwerij St. Bernardus and Sly Fox Incubus. They put together a super video review for their Session contribution.
Mario at Brewed for Thought picked Piraat from Brouwerij Van Steenberge, a Belgian Strong Ale. He than ran with the "pirate" theme and enjoyed the beer with Jen. Aye Matey!
Session founder Stan Hieronymous posted his contribution at his Appellation Beer blog. Stan gave a brief history of the Tripel and reminisced about Captain Lawrence Xtra Gold.
Bionic Laura at Aran Brew is making plans to share Maredsous 10 with her husband. Laura's reminded that she's planning to brew a Belgian dubbel very soon.
Joe and Jasmine, the team at Beer at Joe's, were saved in their search for a Tripel to review by Jasmine's foresight. The pair enjoyed Houblon Chouffe Dobbelen IPA Tripel. Besides a good beer, Jasmine enjoyed a rose along with the shared beer
Buttle opted for a "Triple Tripel" at his Buttle's Beer Blog. Maredous 10, St. Bernardus Watou Tripel, and Sprecher Abbey Triple were all enjoyed, but wisely not on the same night!
Matt chose Chimay Cinq Cents for his Session post at A World of Brews. Matt's been inspired to try more Belgian beers.
Brad at La Petite Brasserie went to the source and offers that what Tripel doesn't matter as much as where that Tripel is enjoyed. And for Brad the where is best when it's Belgium.
Jon Piper took advantage of a business trip for his post at Food, Beer, and Travel. Jon's theme was "Two Tripels on Two Nights in Two Countries Enjoyed by One". He enjoyed Tripel Karmeliet in Belgium and Westmalle Tripel at Delerium Cafe in Brussels.
Ted Duchesne opted for St. Bernardus Tripel at his Barleyvine blog. Ted thinks this beer would be a better choice for Valentine's Day than a glass of Champagne. I agree.
Over at PFIFF!, Rob DeNunzio minced no words letting us know he doesn't care for Tripels. He did find joy in Houblon Chouffe IPA Dobbelen Tripel, a beer that's proving popular among Session participants.
That's the Spirit writer Stephen Beaumont brought out a domestic Tripel, Long Strange Tripel from Boulevard Brewing. Stephen also broke out his special Westmalle chalice, usually reserved for Westmalle alone.
Another first-time Session contributor, Simon Johnson at the Reluctant Scooper, chose Southern Tier Tripel to share with his wife. The pair followed that with the collaborative Stone/Alesmith/Mikkeller Belgian Style Tripel.
Alan McLeod pulled out a Serafijn Tripel from Microbrouwerij Achilles for his post at A Good Beer Blog. Alan says his choice for the Session might cross the style guidelines, but doesn't pay that much mind. Ginger sugar cookies with your Tripel? That does sound good.
Westmalle Tripel was the choice for sharing at Legal Beer. The reference to enjoying a Tripel and riding a bike begs for more info.
At the Nectar of the Gods blog, this first time Session contributor also went the "Triple Triple" route and enjoyed three different Tripels from three different breweries; Westmalle Tripel, UniBroue La Fin Du Monde, and Allagash Tripel Reserve. Romantic plans for the evening quashed, our intrepid reviewer still provided detailed notes.
Jon Abernathy had to limit his sharing of a Tripel with the readers of his blog, The Brew Site. Like some others, he chose the New Belgium Trippel. One of the few Tripels to come in a six-pack, Jon's happy to have five more bottles to enjoy.
Thomas 'Tom' Cizauskas took the suggestion to "twitter" your Session review to heart. At Yours For Good Fermentables, Tom and a friend used Twitter to do a "live" review of Allagash Tripel Reserve, Batch #117.
Thomas Vincent treated his partner to a blind tasting between Flying Dog's Kerberos and the Maredsous Tripel for his contribution at Geistbear Brewing Blog. Thomas thinks the Flying Dog may have been at an unfair disadvantage.
The gents at Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog had a tough time finding a Tripel to review. Bailey hit a pub that was serving no Tripels. While offering doubt as to whether "Tripels exist as a style", Boak shared a similarly styled Fuller’s Vintage Ale with a good friend.
The indefatigable Jay Brooks enjoyed his Tripels in conjunction with San Francisco Beer Week. At Brookston Beer Bulletin, Jay gives his thoughts on two beers created specially for Strong Beer Month; Magnolia Tweezer Tripel and 21st Amendment Double Trippel. Jay also weighs in on the trouble with pigeonholing Belgian beers, something other contributors also noted.
Craig at Beers, Beers, Beers picked a beer that proved popular this Session, Allagash Tripel. The East Coast beer was a special treat the California resident. He shared his beer with Brittany, but couldn't coax any comment from her.
Captain Hops at Beer Haiku Daily had trouble getting to his beer for the Session. A set of haikus explains his frustrations.
Edmond Medina, who blogs at MMMM...Beer saw the Session as an opportunity to grow new fans of good beer. He introduced his guests to Koningshoeven Tripel. He wasn't totally successful, but it wasn't a total failure either.
My own post is here. Colleen and I shared a 2007 bottle of The Brewer's Art Green Peppercorn Tripel.
Whew! That's a lot of Tripel! Thirty-three blog posts by my count. I hope I haven't missed anyone. If your post isn't listed let me know in the comments below, or via email, so I can correct the oversight. In addition to the many blog posts, this edition of The Session was also taking place live on Twitter. Be sure to check out the account of the live tastings here.
The next edition of The Session will be March 6. The theme for Session #25 is Love Lager, and will be hosted by The Beer Nut.
Excellent job! You have begun the revival of The Session in grand style.
You've put in quite the effort to read through all these posts. I hope you found a few to add to your wish list. Cheers!