Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Terrapin Beer Dinner

I don't attend many of these sorts of events, but I'm seriously tempted by an email I received about a Terrapin Beer dinner at the Fredericksburg Capital Ale House. I'm not real familiar with Terrapin beers, but admittedly it's the menu that tempts me. This is some serious Southern meat.

The event takes place on Thursday, April 14th at 6:30 pm. The cost is $60 per person.

Food & Beer Menu
1st Course:  Virginia style Brunswick Stew & Cornbread paired with Rye Pale; complex flavor and aroma that is both aggressive and well balanced.- ABV 5.5

2nd Course:  Texas Style Beef Brisket & Jalapeno Mac N Cheese paired with
Hopsecutioner; this Killer IPA earns its name by using six different types of hops while still remaining an aggressive well balanced beer. Gold Medal - 2010 Atlantic City Beer Festival. ABV 7.2

3rd Course:  Carolina style Pulled Pork & Stewed Apples paired with
Hop Karma; a head on collision between a hoppy, west coast IPA and a complex, malty brown ale. ABV 9.8

4th Course:  Memphis Style BBQ Chicken with Jicama Slaw paired with
Monk's Revenge; a classic Belgian Style Tripel and a new age American Double IPA. ABV 9.8

5th Course:  Duck/Alligator BBQ with Fried Okra paired with
Rye Squared; mammoth hop aroma, bitterness and flavor, this beer is not for the faint at heart. ABV 9.5

6th Course:  House made malted Ice Cream & Cayenne dusted Georgia Peach Cobbler paired with Tom Foolery; this dark, spicy, Black Saison is made with a silly amount of rye, wheat and black malts. ABV 7.4

There's no ticket information yet on the Cap Ale House events web site. Calling the restaurant is probably your best bet.

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