Thursday, December 24, 2015

Legend Winter White

I picked this one up last week to serve to some friends. Everyone seemed to enjoy it so much, I decided to kick off my holiday vacation this week with a glass of Legend Brewing's winter seasonal. Even though it's not my typical style preference, it was a good choice for some late evening relaxing.

Legend Brewing Winter White "Belgian Style Ale" pours a cloudy amber-orange color with a thin white head. The aroma contains hints of pepper, banana, bread, and a bit of yeast "funk." It's a pleasant but not overpowering combination.

The flavor is what is expected in a Witbier. There's a tingly carbonation that releases flavors of white pepper, lemon zest, banana and a touch of bread. Some subtle spice and citrus lingers in the end. The mouthfeel is moderately thick and leaves a sticky finish.

Legend is Virginia's oldest production craft brewery, established in 1994. I don't think they get as much attention as some of the newer craft breweries  —only their Brown Ale shows up with any regularity on local taps. The Winter White is enjoyable, though not complexly flavored beer  At just 5% ABV, it's refreshing and easy to sip. I can see keeping it on the list for our next holiday gathering.

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