Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Sunday Cocktails, Hors d'oeuvres, and a Cigar

It was a beautiful sunny Sunday afternoon as we enjoyed our before dinner drinks and appetizers. Colleen grabbed a selection of snacks, including some delicious Sopresatta. I mixed up Old Fashioneds, using Four Roses Single Barrel Bourbon. I experiment frequently with different bourbons and ryes for the classic drink, but our favorite remains the Four Roses.

Naturally I needed a cigar to enjoy as well. I selected the Oliva Serie V in a 6 x 56 Torpedo. Anything from the Serie V lineup is sure to please.

The Italian meat, Irish cheese, and nuts provided a tasty accompaniment. We even added some Salsa and crackers to the international mix. If I do say so myself, the Old Fashioned cocktails were right on point. And the creamy chocolate, nut, coffee, and cedar flavors from the cigar fit in nicely. 

Despite the constant rain of pollen requiring covering of the drinks and food, it was a very enjoyable afternoon repast. When it was done, I grilled some Flat Iron steaks for dinner while Colleen sautéed onions and mushrooms for the side. All in all, a fitting feast for Sunday.


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