For our first recipe trial from the cookbook, Colleen selected Doggie Style Mac & Cheese. As is obvious from the name, this recipe features Flying Dog Doggie Style Classic Pale Ale. The bready, yeasty aroma as the sauce simmered hinted at the rich, layered flavors - so much more than cheese sauce! The dry mustard, onions, beer, heavy cream and milk makes for a sophisticated, but very approachable!, mac and cheese. We served this with pan-fried pork chops for a satisfying Winter comfort meal.
We have plans to try out some of the other recipes in the book, and will bring reports back soon.
Dog Chow: Volume One can be purchase for a mere $5 from the Flying Dog online merchandiser store.
Disclaimer: Flying Dog provided a complimentary copy of Dog Chow for me to review as I saw fit. The beer used in the recipe was purchased by me.
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