Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St. Patrick's Day

It's often said that everyone is Irish on St. Patrick's Day. Fortunately we can make that claim, by portion, all year long. We're doubly blessed since St. Patrick is also our parish patron Saint. Today is going to be a busy day!

Of course, we'll start with Mass, followed by a pancake breakfast social at the church. Copious stacks of pancakes are waiting to be consumed. After that we'll head right over to the annual St. Patrick's Day Parade and Celebration at the Blue & Gray Brewery. Guess what? More food! They'll be serving the traditional Irish-American dish of corned beef and cabbage. There will also be a parade in which our son's school is participating, as well as Irish music and dancing. Of course, I'm looking forward to a pint or two of the brewery's Stonewall Stout, even more than the food and entertainment.

By the time that celebration is over it will be just late-afternoon. But St. Patrick deserves a full day feast, so we've got another wonderful meal of corned beef, potatoes, cabbage planned for the evening. And some good Irish coffee for dessert.

It promises to be a fun day. The best part is that when the day is done we'll still have half the weekend to go. And that's a good thing, as I think I'll need some time to rest.

I wish you all, Irish today or year-round, a Happy St. Patrick's Day! I hope you have a festive day planned as well.

May St. Patrick guard you wherever you go, and guide you in whatever you do – and may his loving protection be a blessing to you always.
-- Traditional Irish Blessing


  1. You luck man you...can I come over and hang with you...have a great day, my friend.

  2. Enjoy your day and Happy St Patricks day to you :)

  3. I hope yours was a good one. We really enjoyed ours. The Irish sure know how to enjoy themselves.


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