Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Controversy Over Guns and Coffee

Who knew that selling coffee could be so controversial?
WASHINGTON (WMAL) – For two years the owner of a gun shop in Hamilton, Virginia has been fighting to sell coffee, and Monday he may finally get approval to do it.

Zoning restrictions have prevented the owner of Bullets and Beans from selling coffee at his shop to people who are waiting for background checks or doing other business. Monday the Hamilton Town Council is scheduled to take up a proposal that would allow Kevin Jones to sell coffee for a 6-month trial period.

They must be selling some really good coffee, as one of the community's concerns is "coffee sales could snarl up traffic in the area." Frankly, a two year battle to sell coffee seems more like a path of obstruction by the gun grabbers than anything else.

See "VA Gun Shop Owner Continues Fight To Sell Coffee" for more.


  1. if he's not selling black rifle coffee company products, he's missing a ready made match product....and it's great coffee.

  2. It is indeed good coffee. Unfortunately he can't sell any coffee yet due to government oppression. Keep in mind that Loudon County, VA is infested with socialists, so the struggle is to be expected.


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