Friday, April 22, 2011

“It is accomplished”

Were greater words ever spoken? With these words, God, humbled as man, breathed his last. All this was done for our sake, and ours alone. What love He showed in His sacrifice. A sacrifice that no man could make. It is for this reason we call today Good Friday. By this action He redeemed mankind. Think about it; God sacrificed Himself, in reparation for sins man perpetrated against God Himself. Thinking about it takes my breath away. On this day, the greatest act of forgiveness, of love, in all of history, took place.

This year, Holy Week seems extra close and personal for my family. Just a few months ago we were in the Holy Land. We walked were Our Lord walked, where he lived, where he died. Listening to the readings at Mass this Holy Week I am struck by the memories of being in the very places these events took place, of walking the same streets, of touching the ground upon which He died, praying in the tomb in which He was placed.

Today we lit the lamp in our home that hangs in front of a crucifix that contains relics from the Holy Land. I walk by that crucifix many times each day. But today, it seems somehow different.

And saying this, he gave up the ghost. Now the centurion, seeing what was done, glorified God, saying: Indeed this was a just man.  And all the multitude of them that were come together to that sight, and saw the things that were done, returned striking their breasts. --Luke 23:46-48

1 comment:

  1. Supposedly: god existed before, and he exists after, so truly nothing was sacrificed. Good beer, bad religion.


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