There's a fruit basket forming in my beer fridge. Recently I was moving bottles around, sorting out all those leftover single beers that seem to accumulate. I noticed a pattern on one shelf.
I found a couple of bottles of Saranac Pumpkin Ale. They're probably two years old since I didn't buy any pumpkin beers last Winter. It's not that I don't like pumpkin beers, there are some I like, but only to a point. I tend to get tired of them quickly. I guess I grew tired before those two bottles at met their purpose.
I'm not even sure where the Bluepoint Blueberry Ale came from. Perhaps in some long-forgotten trade. I might have been tempted to try that at one time, but it's been down there for a while now.
Sadly, from my favorite local brewery, there's a 2009 bottle of Blue & Gray Chocolate Raspberry Stout. This very popular seasonal is one of the few (only) Blue & Gray beers I don't enjoy, though plenty of folks do.
There, in the back, a single bottle of Sam Adams Longshot Cranberry Wit. A lone leftover from the 2009 Longshot pack. I don't recall drinking the other three bottles that came in the pack. They didn't leave an impression obviously.
And speaking of Sam Adams, there's that Sam Adams Cranberry Lambic that someone snuck into my cooler several years ago. It's still sitting there, relegated to the back shelf. Poor thing.
I enjoy a pretty wide range of beer styles and flavors. And I'm game to try anything, at least once. However, from an quick analysis of the "old" beers in the fridge, fruit-flavored beers aren't high on my list.
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