Saturday, January 21, 2012

VA ABC Privatization Pessimism

Virginia Governor McDonnell has long been a proponent of the privatization of Virginia's liquor sales. After some intitial momentum, the proposal was killed last year before even being discussed in committee. Now it appears the Governor is less sure of seeing this goal accomplished during his term. The Washington Post reports:
"Whether it’s during my term or some other term, every state in the nation is going this way," McDonnell (R) said in a recent interview. "It’s coming eventually." 
McDonnell, as he continues to roll out policy proposals for the legislative session, declined to say whether the proposal would return this year or before he leaves the governor’s mansion in 2014. 
"I’m still committed to the idea," he said. "There are a lot of ways to get this done. At some point its going to happen in Virginia. I just can’t tell you when."

Perhaps Governor McDonnell is simply keeping his cards close to the chest. Only time will tell.

See "McDonnell may abandon his proposal to privatize liquor stores" for more.

In related news, McDonnell is seeking to allow all ABC stores to open on Sundays. Currently only stores in Hampton Roads, Richmond and Northern Virginia urban areas may open on Sundays. It is estimated the extended hours would generate $2.5 million a year in new profits and taxes.


  1. He seems to be veering more toward his left as his term enters its swan song. It's as if he's positioning himself for another office.


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